
Located in Bishan Community Centre, our Bishan Branch is surrounded with various amenities, such as Junction 8 and Bishan Public Library. It is a 4-minute walk from Bishan MRT station, making it especially convenient for students of nearby schools such as Catholic High School and Raffles Institution.

Trusted by over 10 000 students

Where our graduates go to

How to get there

The Bishan Tuition Centre is easy to locate and navigate. The centre is only around 300m (4 minute) walk from Bishan MRT, which is sheltered for most of the walk. It is close to schools and colleges such as Catholic High School and Raffles Institution. 

By Bus:
Bishan Interchange (53009)
Bishan Stn (53231)
Opp Bishan Stn (53239)
BLK 115 (53221)
BLK 501 (53229)

Bishan MRT (CC15/NS17)

Amenities and Facilities

With 6 main classrooms and 1 large Lecture Theatre, the Bishan branch offers a space for students who want to enhance their academic performance under the tutelage of our knowledgeable and professional tutors. 

We set a maximum number of students we accept to ensure that we are able to provide them with the focus and undivided attention they need to master their subjects. Students can also request for complimentary consultation sessions with our tutors if they need any additional guidance.

All students of the Bishan Tuition Centre can enjoy our amenities when they enroll with us. Our facilities also provide open study areas for students to study or do their homework in a conducive and comfortable environment. Students can also enjoy the fully-stocked snack and drink bars that are available, as well as the various other Zenith perks with our partner brands.


Open Study Areas


Fully Stocked Pantries


Massage Chairs

Address and Contact

Our centres offer the most premium study spaces, with spacious classrooms and unlimited snacks & drinks!

Locate Us

51 Bishan St. 13, #03-01
Bishan Community Club, 
Singapore 579799

Contact Us

P: +65 8768 7651

Nearby Amenities

Junction 8
Bishan Community Club
Bishan Public Library 
Starbucks @ Bishan


Our Marymount Centre offers classes for H2 Biology, H2 Chemistry, H2 Physics, H2 Mathematics, H2 Economics, H1 Economics, H1 Mathematics and H1 General Paper. (Junior College). We also offer classes for E Math, A Math, Combined Sciences, Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry and Lower Secondary Mathematics (Secondary School)

JC Physics

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

JC Biology

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

JC Economics

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

JC General Paper

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

JC Mathematics

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

JC Chemistry

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

Secondary Math

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

Secondary English

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

Secondary Science

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Trusted by over 10 000 students

Slots are filling fast!

At Zenith Education Studio, we believe in empowering students to succeed by providing the support they need to excel. That's why we offer free trial sessions, giving you the chance to experience our teaching methods and environment firsthand! But slots are limited, so sign up now!