How to Calculate A Level Rank Points | RP Calculator 2025

How to Calculate A Level Rank Points | RP Calculator
1. 2025 & 2026 A-Level Rank Point Calculator
2. How the University Admission Score (UAS) is computed
1. 2025 & 2026 A-Level Rank Point Calculator
2. How the University Admission Score (UAS) is computed
Each different A-Level subject grade results in a different corresponding rank point as shown in the table below:
Marks (%)
A-Level Subject Grade
H2 Equivalent Rank Points
H1 Equivalent Rank Points
70 to 100
60 to 69
55 to 59
50 to 54
45 to 49
40 to 44
0 to 39
Currently, for students who take 4 H2 content subjects, their lowest-scoring H2 subject is considered as an H1 subject for the purpose of computing their University Admission Score (i.e. calculated based on the H1 subject rank points). This means that the maximum rank points or University Admission Score is 90.
For students who take Mother Tongue Language (H1 MTL or O-Level HMTL), their Mother Tongue score will only be counted if it improves their University Admission Score. If the Mother Tongue score is counted, the UAS will be rebased from 100 to 90 rank points.
Maximum UAS (without including Mother Tongue)
= 3 H2 + 1 H1 + H1 GP + H1 PW
= 20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10
= 90
Maximum UAS (including Mother Tongue)
= [(3 H2 + 1 H1 + H1 GP + H1 PW + H1 MTL/ O-Level HMTL) / 100] x 90
= [20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10) / 100] x 90
= 90
Under the new system starting in 2026, the fourth content-based subject (whether H1 or H2) will only be counted if it improves a candidate’s University Admission Score. Further, Project Work (PW) will be graded on a pass/ fail basis only and will no longer contribute to rank points.
With these changes, the maximum University Admission Score or rank points will become 70 points (instead of 90) in 2026. If the scores for students’ fourth content-based subject and/or Mother Tongue Language (H1 MTL or O-Level HMTL) are counted, their UAS will be rebased to 70 rank points.
Maximum UAS (without including H1 / 4th H2 or Mother Tongue)
= 3 H2 + H1 GP
= 20 + 20 + 20 + 10
= 70
Maximum UAS (including H1 / 4th H2 but not Mother Tongue)
= [(3 H2 + 1 H1 + H1 GP) / 80] x 70
= [(20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10) / 80] x 70
= 70
Maximum UAS (including Mother Tongue but not H1 / 4th H2)
= [(3 H2 + H1 GP + H1 MTL/ O-Level HMTL) / 80] x 70
= [(20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10) / 80] x 70
= 70
Maximum UAS (including H1 / 4th H2 and Mother Tongue)
= [(3 H2 + 1 H1 + H1 GP + H1 MTL/ O-Level HMTL) / 90] x 70
= [20 + 20 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10) / 90] x 70
= 70
For ease of reference, our local universities usually provide an indication of the grade profiles for the majority of A-Level applicants who were offered admission to their programmes. Applicants can use the relevant profiles to guide them in their selection of programme choices when they submit their applications to the respective universities.
You can refer to the tables below for the grade profiles of the 10th and 90th percentiles of A-Level applicants offered places for degree programmes in the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU), in AY 2023/2024.
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